Results for 'Terence Y. Mullins'

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  1.  13
    Sidwick's Concept of Ethical Science.Terence Y. Mullins - 1963 - Journal of the History of Ideas 24 (4):584.
  2.  16
    Clinical genomics in the 21st century: The fine balance between ethics and science.Terence Y. S. Liew & Chun Y. Khoo - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (3):282-285.
    The 21st century has been revolutionary for the field of clinical genomics, with major advancements and breakthroughs over the years. It is now considered an instrumental tool in clinical and preventive medicine and has been used on a day-to-day basis to complement current clinical practice. However, with advancements in genomics comes greater bioethical concerns, which becomes increasingly complex with more cutting-edge technology. Some of the major ethical concerns include obtaining informed consent, possibility for genetic enhancements and eugenics, genomic equity and (...)
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    Inquiring About God: Selected Essays, Volume, 1 by Nicholas Wolterstorff, edited by Terence Cuneo; and Practices of Belief: Selected Essays, Volume 2, by Nicholas Wolterstorff, edited by Terence Cuneo. [REVIEW]R. T. Mullins - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (4):478-482.
  4.  35
    Books in Review : UTILITARIAN LOGIC AND POLITICS: JAMES MILL'S'ESSA Y ON GOVERNMENT', MACA ULA Y'S CRITIQUE, AND THE ENSUING DEBA TE edited by Jack Lively and John Rees. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. 270. £ 7.50 in the U.K. $17.95 in the United States. [REVIEW]Terence Ball - 1979 - Political Theory 7 (3):431-434.
  5. Can you use this style in other contexts? With R.K. Nar*y*n.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper argues against a thesis that Shashi Tharoor seems to accept: that R.K. Narayan’s style is bound up with a very specific context, of people left behind by the times in South India. It cannot deal with other subject matter. I present a little fiction to challenge the thesis.
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  6. Conjectural computer science history: the Middlesborough problem, by R.K. Nar*y*n.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper presents folk impressions of the University of Manchester’s difficulties in becoming a great university, but by means of a fiction imitating a distinguished writer from the Indian subcontinent. The impressions concern past efforts and the difficulties they faced.
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    Scotus and the possibility of moral motivation.Terence Irwin - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Scotus believes it is clear that the pursuit of happiness is not psychologically supreme. If the will necessarily pursued happiness, it follows that whenever both x and y are open, x rather than y promotes happiness. But Scotus replies that sometimes we are aware that x rather than y promotes happiness, but we can simply choose to pursue neither x nor y. If we suspend further action, we choose to be indifferent toward happiness. Scotus agrees with Anselm's argument from responsibility. (...)
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  8. Supposi t i o n as Quant i f i c a t i o n versus Supposi t i o n as Globa l Quant i f i c a t i o n a l Ef fec t.Terence Parsons - unknown
    Spade 1988 sugges t s tha t t he r e are ac tua l l y two theo r i e s t o address t h i s ques t i o n t o , an ear l y one and a l a t e r one . 2 Most o f the presen t pape r i s a deve l o pmen t o f t h i s i dea . I sugges t (...)
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    Terence Ball, Rousseau's Ghost, Albany, N.Y., State University of New York Press, 1998, pp. 206.John Horton - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (1):103.
  10.  91
    Some School Books - Clari Rornani: Camillus, by C. H. Broadbent. - Metellus and Marius, the Jugurthine War, by A. J. Schooling (Murray, 1s. 6d.). - Julius Caesar, by H. J. Dakers. - Terence: Phormio simplified, by H. R. Fairclough and L. J. Richardson (Sanborn, N.Y.). [REVIEW]H. D. R. W. - 1911 - The Classical Review 25 (06):189-190.
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  11. Carta de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a Andrea Corneo: el incidente de Arezzo y la elección entre vita activa y contemplativa.Julián Barenstein - 2013 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 17 (1):01-18.
    En este trabajo presentamos la traducción del latín al español de la carta de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a su amigo Andrea Corneo de Urbino con introducción y notas. En el texto, Pico expone sus puntos de vista respecto una de las cuestiones que tuvo en vilo a los intelectuales del siglo XV: la de la elección entre la vida activa y la contemplativa. La carta trata, además, del llamado "incidente de Arezzo", un confuso episodio en el que el joven (...)
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  12. Carta de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a Andrea Corneo: el incidente de Arezzo y la elección entre vita activa y contemplativa.Diana Angélica Fernández - 2013 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 17 (1):01-18.
    En este trabajo presentamos la traducción del latín al español de la carta de Giovanni Pico della Mirandola a su amigo Andrea Corneo de Urbino con introducción y notas. En el texto, Pico expone sus puntos de vista respecto una de las cuestiones que tuvo en vilo a los intelectuales del siglo XV: la de la elección entre la vida activa y la contemplativa. La carta trata, además, del llamado "incidente de Arezzo", un confuso episodio en el que el joven (...)
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  13. From supervenience to superdupervenience: Meeting the demands of a material world.Terence E. Horgan - 1993 - Mind 102 (408):555-86.
  14. Troubles on moral twin earth: Moral queerness revived.Terence Horgan & Mark Timmons - 1992 - Synthese 92 (2):221 - 260.
    J. L. Mackie argued that if there were objective moral properties or facts, then the supervenience relation linking the nonmoral to the moral would be metaphysically queer. Moral realists reply that objective supervenience relations are ubiquitous according to contemporary versions of metaphysical naturalism and, hence, that there is nothing especially queer about moral supervenience. In this paper we revive Mackie's challenge to moral realism. We argue: (i) that objective supervenience relations of any kind, moral or otherwise, should be explainable rather (...)
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  15. Plato's moral theory: the early and middle dialogues.Terence Irwin - 1977 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book traces the development of Plato's theory in its historical context, from the Socratic conception of virtue, knowledge and moral motivation to the revised Platonic conception, including the Theory of recollection, the Theory of forms, Platonic love, and the divisions of the soul.
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  16. (1 other version)Kim on mental causation and causal exclusion.Terence E. Horgan - 1997 - Philosophical Perspectives 11:165-84.
  17. Psicología del aprendizaje y los principios de la enseñanza.Herrera Y. Montes & Luis[From Old Catalog] - 1963 - [México,: Instituto Federal de Capacitación del Magisterio].
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  18. Plato’s Moral Theory: The Early and Middle Dialogues.Terence Irwin - 1977 - Philosophy 53 (205):416-417.
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  19. Original Intentionality is Phenomenal Intentionality.Terence Horgan - 2013 - The Monist 96 (2):232-251.
  20. The aloneness argument against classical theism.Joseph C. Schmid & R. T. Mullins - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (2):1-19.
    We argue that there is a conflict among classical theism's commitments to divine simplicity, divine creative freedom, and omniscience. We start by defining key terms for the debate related to classical theism. Then we articulate a new argument, the Aloneness Argument, aiming to establish a conflict among these attributes. In broad outline, the argument proceeds as follows. Under classical theism, it's possible that God exists without anything apart from Him. Any knowledge God has in such a world would be wholly (...)
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  21. Nonreductive materialism and the explanatory autonomy of psychology.Terence E. Horgan - 1993 - In Steven J. Wagner & Richard Wagner (eds.), Naturalism: A Critical Appraisal. University of Notre Dame Press.
  22. Counterfactuals and newcomb’s problem.Terence Horgan - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (6):331-356.
  23. Ethics as an inexact science: Aristotle's ambitions for moral theory'.Terence H. Irwin - 2000 - In Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little (eds.), Moral particularism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 100--29.
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  24. Indeterminate identity: metaphysics and semantics.Terence Parsons - 2000 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Terence Parsons presents a lively and controversial study of philosophical questions about identity. Because many puzzles about identity remain unsolved, some people believe that they are questions that have no answers and that there is a problem with the language used to formulate them. Parsons explores a different possibility: that such puzzles lack answers because of the way the world is (or because of the way the world is not). He claims that there is genuine indeterminacy of identity in (...)
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  25. Permanent Happiness: Aristotle and Solon.Terence H. Irwin - 1985 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 3:89-124.
  26. Deconstructing new wave materialism.Terence Horgan & John Tienson - 2001 - In Carl Gillett & Barry Loewer (eds.), Physicalism and its Discontents. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 307--318.
    In the first post World War II identity theories (e.g., Place 1956, Smart 1962), mind brain identities were held to be contingent. However, in work beginning in the late 1960's, Saul Kripke (1971, 1980) convinced the philosophical community that true identity statements involving names and natural kind terms are necessarily true and furthermore, that many such necessary identities can only be known a posteriori. Kripke also offered an explanation of the a posteriori nature of ordinary theoretical identities such as that (...)
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  27. Robust vagueness and the forced-March sorites paradox.Terence Horgan - 1994 - Philosophical Perspectives 8:159-188.
    I distinguish two broad approaches to vagueness that I call "robust" and "wimpy". Wimpy construals explain vagueness as robust (i.e., does not manifest arbitrary precision); that standard approaches to vagueness, like supervaluationism or appeals to degrees of truth, wrongly treat vagueness as wimpy; that vagueness harbors an underlying logical incoherence; that vagueness in the world is therefore impossible; and that the kind of logical incoherence nascent in vague terms and concepts is benign rather than malignant. I describe some implications for (...)
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    Speech and Morality: On the Metaethical Implications of Speaking.Terence Cuneo - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Terence Cuneo presents a new argument for moral realism. According to the normative theory of speech, speech acts are generated by an agent's altering her normative position with regard to her audience. In doing so she takes on rights and responsibilities, some of which are moral and objective: these are a necessary condition of speech.
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  29. In defense of southern fundamentalism.Terence Horgan & George Graham - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 62 (May):107-134.
  30. The development of ethics: a historical and critical study.Terence Irwin - 2007, 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Terence Irwin presents a historical and critical study of the development of moral philosophy over two thousand years, from ancient Greece to the Reformation. Starting with the seminal ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, he guides the reader through the centuries that follow, introducing each of the thinkers he discusses with generous quotations from their works. He offers not only careful interpretation but critical evaluation of what they have to offer philosophically. This is the first of three volumes which (...)
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  31. Reconciling realism with humeanism.Terence Cuneo - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (4):465 – 486.
    The central purpose of this essay is to consider some of the more prominent reasons why realists have rejected the Humean theory of motivation. I shall argue that these reasons are not persuasive, and that there is nothing about being a moral realist that should make us suspicious of Humeanism.
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    Classical thought.Terence Irwin - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Covering over 1000 years of classical philosophy from Homer to Saint Augustine, this accessible, comprehensive study details the major philosophies and philosophers of the period--the Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Neoplatonism. Though the emphasis is on questions of philosophical interest, particularly ethics, the theory of knowledge, philosophy of mind, and philosophical theology, Irwin includes discussions of the literary and historical background to classical philosophy as well as the work of other important thinkers--Greek tragedians, historians, medical writers, and early (...)
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  33. La libertad individual como cualidad dirigida por el corazón y el carácter.Serrat Y. De Argila & Antonio[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Madrid,:
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  34.  61
    Soft laws.Terence Horgan & John Tienson - 1990 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):256-279.
  35. Supervenient qualia.Terence Horgan - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (October):491-520.
  36.  14
    War and Border Crossings: Ethics When Cultures Clash.Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Terence Ball, Linell Cady, Shaun Casey, Martin Cook, David Cortright, Richard Dagger, Amitai Etzoni, Félix Gutiérrez, Mitchell R. Haney, George Lucas, Oscar J. Martinez, Joan McGregor, Christopher McLeod, Jeffrie Murphy, Brian Orend, Darren Ranco, Roberto Suro, Rebecca Tsosie & Angela Wilson (eds.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    War and Border Crossings brings together renowned scholars to address some of the most pressing problems in public policy, international affairs, and the intercultural issues of our day. Contributors from widely varying disciplines discuss cross-cultural ethical issues and international topics ranging from American international policy and the invasion and occupation of Iraq to domestic topics such as immigration, the war on drugs, cross-cultural bioethics and ethical issues involving American Indian tribes. The culture clashes discussed in these essays raise serious questions (...)
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  37. The importance of self-identity.Terence Penelhum - 1971 - Journal of Philosophy 68 (October):667-78.
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  38. The Transvaluationist Conception of Vagueness.Terence Horgan - 1998 - The Monist 81 (2):313-330.
    Transvaluationism makes two fundamental claims concerning vagueness. First, vagueness is logically incoherent in a certain way: vague discourse is governed by semantic standards that are mutually unsatisfiable. But second, vagueness is viable and legitimate nonetheless; its logical incoherence is benign.
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  39. Compatibilism and the consequence argument.Terence Horgan - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (May):339-56.
  40. Vice and reason.Terence Irwin - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (1):73-97.
    Aristotle''s account of vice presents a puzzle: (1) Viciouspeople must be guided by reason, since they act on decision(prohairesis), not on their non-rational desires. (2) And yet theycannot be guided by reason, since they are said to pay attention totheir non-rational part and not to live in accordance with reason. Wecan understand the conception of vice the reconciles these two claims,once we examine Aristotle''s account of (a) the pursuit of the fine andof the expedient; (b) the connexion between vice and (...)
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  41.  69
    Science nominalized.Terence Horgan - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (4):529-549.
    I propose a way of formulating scientific laws and magnitude attributions which eliminates ontological commitment to mathematical entities. I argue that science only requires quantitative sentences as thus formulated, and hence that we ought to deny the existence of sets and numbers. I argue that my approach cannot plausibly be extended to the concrete "theoretical" entities of science.
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    Supervenient bridge laws.Terence E. Horgan - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (2):227-249.
    I invoke the conceptual machinery of contemporary possible-world semantics to provide an account of the metaphysical status of "bridge laws" in intertheoretic reductions. I argue that although bridge laws are not definitions, and although they do not necessarily reflect attribute-identities, they are supervenient. I.e., they are true in all possible worlds in which the reducing theory is true.
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    Chapter Five.Terence H. Irwin - 1985 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 1 (1):115-143.
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    Lehrer on 'could'-statements.Terence E. Horgan - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 32 (4):403 - 411.
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  45. Naturalism and intentionality.Terence Horgan - 1994 - Philosophical Studies 76 (2-3):301-26.
    I argue for three principle claims. First, philosophers who seek to integrate the semantic and the intentional into a naturalistic metaphysical worldview need to address a task that they have thus far largely failed even to notice: explaining into- level connections between the physical and the intentional in a naturalistically acceptable way. Second, there are serious reasons to think that this task cannot be carried out in a way that would vindicate realism about intentionality. Third, there is much to be (...)
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  46.  79
    (1 other version)The austere ideology of folk psychology.Terence Horgan - 1993 - Mind and Language 8 (2):282-297.
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    Connectionism and the commitments of folk psychology.Terence Horgan & John Tienson - 1995 - Philosophical Perspectives 9:127-52.
  48.  35
    Gadamer y los Presocráticos. La Teología de la esperanza en el límite oculto de la Hermenéutica.Teresa Oñate Y. Zubía - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):795.
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    Ignatius of loyola and the counter-reformation: The hagiographic tradition.Terence O'reilly - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (4):439–470.
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    What are our values?Walter Terence Stace - 1950 - Lincoln,: University of Nebraska.
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